One Texas:

"It Starts in the House."

"One Texas exists to bring a Democratic majority to the Texas House of Representatives by building party infrastructure, training candidates, and electing Democrats all across the state — ending nearly two decades of dangerous Republican policymaking, back-room dealing, and unchecked corruption.

"It all starts here. For a limited time, I will be matching your contributions up to $100,000. Join me, and together let’s take back the House.”

Trey Martinez Fischer

One Vision

From Lyndon B. Johnson to Ann Richards, Texas Democrats have always been fighters — and in 2020, we’re gearing up for the biggest fight in a decade.

The Texas House, held by Republicans since 2002, is now within inches of a Democratic comeback.

The Texas Legislature has been the birthplace of American giants, from Sam Rayburn to Barbara Jordan—visionary leaders who had dreams for Texas as big as the Lone Star State. As the mantle now passes to a new generation, we have a responsibility to uphold that awesome legacy.